Tag: wellness

What’s L.O.V.E. got to do with it?

What’s L.O.V.E. got to do with it? I sat at my desk…piles of papers waited to be filed,half-finished projects taunted me,my email inbox exploded onto asecond page with not only junkemails, but an overwhelming numberof messages from clients, familymembers, friends, colleagues, andeducational venues—all vying for my undivided attention. So I did what most normal,rational people would do.I ate some chocolate.And then I ate…

Got 30 Minutes?

Got 30 Minutes?    Did you make New Year’s Resolutions?Did you create business goals and plans to make THIS year SO MUCH BETTERthan last year? Me too!  So….How are those goals coming along?Are you steadily moving forward towards those New Year’s dreams? Me neither 🙁 I felt overwhelmed, stressed out, and like I had completely failed BEFORE I EVEN STARTED!Ugh. This wasn’t the way…